Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Red hot

Here is my day 3 creation (fyi, I'm counting day 1 creation as making the blog). I didn't have the frustration of my day 2 oils, so enjoyed today!

I'm not sure if you are allowed to post naked drawings on blogs, but we will see if it gets removed or the blog-gods come after me :). I used colored conté here - red, black and white. I've used a single color with black and white before and really like the results. I usually squint my eyes at the picture and immediately pick out the darkest areas and the lightest areas, then fill it in with black/white and the single color is all the in between and blending. I think it gives a nice shape to the picture.

I feel like she looks a little bit on fire, hence the name . . . but we're all red hot on some days, right? :)

One issue I always seem to have when I do pieces like this is the background. What do you do? Normally I leave it blank, here i've tried to scribble it in. Any advice when you aren't looking at a specific background? I think I need to think more of the composition as a whole, and not only concentrate on the subject . . .

Thanks friends!
Until tomorrow. . .


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Gotta love Blogger for screwing up so masterfully :D

    Okay, let's try again...

    Background specifics are a pain. Try lightly roughing in your shadows and giving a bit of a "bed" to your foreground character by using some fading rim shadows and rim light where your light sources bend. As for the details, drping is always good with nudes. Rough in some drapery folds and use them to compliment the curves of the figure. Soft on soft...I like what you've done.

    BUT, you can cheat backgrounds amazingly. Just remember that your figure needs to rest IN the piece and it starts making more sense. Hard outlines don't exist on curves...so blend out and away..shadows and light.

    Now add some green ;)

    Great piece, good sketching!

  3. Hey Monica! I love your blog! Great piece! It reminds me of the other one you did like this but i love the colour scheme!

  4. Monica I love this! This piece is so gorgeous! Keep up the awesome work! Miss you!
