Monday, September 21, 2009

The Task at Hand

I am new to the blogging world, but have created this blog with multiple goals in mind . . . 

In the first "Ideation" class of my program at Langara College, I was assigned the task of completing a "Thing-a-day" for 5 days/wk over the next 5 weeks.  This "Thing-a-day" can be anything from having an original idea per day to learning something new or meeting someone new each day.  Though my first thought was to write a blog each day - random musings, for example - I decided that was the easy way out (being comfortable with writing), and that I should use this assignment to challenge myself and build my artistic abilities.

So, I have decided to create something every day.  This could mean doing a quick sketch of a man sitting in Starbucks, painting the jellyfish from the Vancouver Aquarium (which I have been fascinated by since seeing them a few weeks ago), or spending an hour putting together a collage.  I have hopes to use up the many art supplies I have accumulated, improve my drawing and painting skills and, most importantly, become comfortable with displaying my spontaneous work for the world to see.  

Every day that I complete one of these creations, I will post a picture/scan of what I've done on my blog.  I will also include information about what I used, why I was inspired, what I like about it or what I don't like about it.  Blogging my creations is going to be an important part of this assignment, as it will allow me to track each day what I have completed and it will add an interactive component in which I can receive feedback and comments (good or bad) and use constructive criticism to my advantage (so I look forward to advice!).

My "Design Drawing" instructor said on the first day of class that if you have perfection in mind while starting to draw, you are sure to fail.  This was a very significant comment for me, as I have been criticized for, and knowingly guilty of, being too precise and trying to always make things so perfect.  Feeling and movement can be lost in this precision. Besides, imperfections are far more interesting!  Committing to these creations for the next 5 weeks, there simply won't be time to ponder things for hours and then finally put my pencil to paper, or brush to canvas and then be frustrated by it not turning out exactly how I envisioned.  I hope to create things on the fly, accept that it may not be perfect, and try to encompass whatever is happening at that instance.  And above all, display what I have done and be happy with it for what it is.  If anyone's seen "PS. I Love You," I have always found the following quote from the main character very appealing and would like to keep it in mind as I proceed on this artistic endeavor:

"All I know is, if you don't figure out this something, you'll just stay ordinary, and it doesn't matter if its a work of art or a taco, or a pair of socks! Just create something... new, and there it is, and its you, out in the world, out side of you and you can look at it, or hear it, or read it, or feel it... and you know a little more about... you. A little bit more than anyone else does... Does that make any sense at all?"  (from "PS. I Love You")

No matter what I create, it's just something that I've done, that I felt inspired to do at a given moment.  And it's likely that not everyone will understand it completely, and maybe I won't even understand it.  But understanding is not the point - creating is. 

A little deep for a Sunday night, but I think this will help me with my ideas and creativity, and in 5 weeks I will have made a little progress.

Until tomorrow my friends!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see all of your creations! It will be so great to follow your progress! Wonderful idea!
